Spokane County – Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Spokane County - Community Wildfire Protection PlanSpokane County is working on the CWPP and would appreciate your opinion. Please visit the survey site below to share what matters most to you when it comes to wildfire prevention and mitigation.https://forms.office.com/g/bhk7Jrb6Aj
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids, plainly marked "FIRE STATION 85 RENOVATION" will be received by the Fire District, at Station Headquarters, located at 12100 E Palouse Highway, Valleyford, Washington, until 10:00 am local time on, Tuesday, January 28, 2025, and then publicly opened and read. Open the flyer to learn more.
Santa Claus and SCFD8 Firefighters Coming to Your Neighborhood
Santa Claus and Your Spokane County Fire District 8 Firefighters could be coming to your neighborhood. Santa will attempt to come down as many streets as possible in the highlighted neighborhood, however not every street can be visited by Santa and the firefighters. Check the schedule daily for any potential changes due to unforeseen circumstances.
Fire 8 Flyer – Fall/Winter 2024 Edition
Our SCFD8 Fall/Winter 2024 Newsletter is here. Thanks to your support, in 2024, we have invested in our community by hiring paramedic firefighters as well as continued improvements to our facilities. We are also pleased to announce two levy funded replacement engines serving the Ponderosa and Moran Prairie communities. We are also excited to continue our community outreach through the Santa Float. Please see newsletter for the dates that Santa Claus will be coming to many of our District 8 neighborhoods. If you have questions about the items in this newsletter, or the services we provide, please contact us at admin@scfd8.org or 509-926-6699. Happy Holidays!
Engine 84 Push-In Ceremony
ENGINE 84 PUSH-IN CEREMONY Spokane County Fire District 8 cordially invite you to join us for a special Push-In Ceremony. This ceremony is to celebrate the arrival of our new Engine 84 which serves the Ponderosa community. The event will be held at Station 84: 4410 S Bates Rd at 3:00 PM-4:00 PM on Thursday, November 7, 2024. For questions or comments regarding the ceremony please contact Lonnie Rash at (509)370-9801. Open the flyer to learn more.
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids, plainly marked "BID FOR STORAGE & MAINTENANCE BUILDING RENOVATION" will be received by the Fire District, at Station Headquarters, located at 12100 E Palouse Highway, Valleyford, Washington, until 3:00 pm local time on, Tuesday, November 19, 2024, and then publicly opened and read. Open the flyer to learn more.